Before one jumps into the aspect of quitting alcohol once for all, proper attention needs to be paid with regard to risk of alcohol withdrawal. There are a lot of risks and problems that come associated with it and one should be careful enough to take the right route in this regard. There are many dangerous withdrawal symptoms that one needs to come through especially if they have been taking alcohol for a prolonged period of time. When one quits alcohol, there are three stages to pass through.
Know Well About The Symptoms
The first stage would start to occur about 6 hours to 24 hours from the time one has quit taking alcohol. There would be some physical as well as mental discomfort that one faces through which include anxiety, depression, headache, vomiting and other such things. The second stage would start off from 24 hours to 48 hours timeline. This includes confusion, hallucination, irregular heartbeat and much more. After these two stages are crossed one needs to go through the severity of the third phase. The third phase is absolutely difficult to handle especially if you have been consuming alcohol for a longer duration of time.
Phase 3 Symptoms
When compared to all the stages the Phase 3 has the most dangerous set of withdrawal symptoms one is Phase 3 when the delirium tremens or DTs begin. DTs would include tactile hallucinations, where one feels an extreme itching, burning, numbing sensation for no apparent cause. It would give a wrong sensation of rashes all throughout the body and also sends across a feeling bugs are crawling through under the skin. It is often mistaken for a rash due to the severity leading many Alcoholics feeling as though they have bugs crawling under their skin. Some would resort to scratching all throughout the body therefore leading to scars.