The world of medicine is continuously evolving. Some convictions once thought to be true in the health care community are no longer believed. One such notion was that the diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) should only pertain to children, not adolescents or adults.
As this thinking is no longer considered accurate, more adults have been diagnosed with the disorder. In fact, it’s estimated that about 4% of adults have adhd scottsdale az. Regardless of age, it’s important to understand the signs of ADHD and how several aspects of daily life can be affected. Here is a brief look into the signs of ADHD across all ages.
First, it’s important to note that ADHD doesn’t look the same from person to person. What’s more, symptoms can change as a person moves through different stages of life. Nevertheless, there are primary symptoms defining ADHD. These include impulsivity, hyperactivity and inattention. However, these symptoms aren’t going be displayed in the same way or to the same degree on a personal level.
As a neurodevelopmental disorder, ADHD impacts an individual’s typical development while also disrupting daily activities. A person with ADHD may experience difficulties with maintaining focus, working memory and executive function. Executive function refers to our brain’s ability to organize, manage and initiate tasks.
ADHD in adults has historically been mistaken for other conditions. Today, it can still prove difficult to diagnose when the individual is older, especially if they were not diagnosed as a child. Going undiagnosed could lead to a myriad of learning and health issues. These reasons and more make it essential to distinguish signs early.
An adult with ADHD might be easily frustrated or irritable, extremely impatient, and quick to anger. She or he may act impulsively, drive recklessly, monopolize conversations with frequent interruptions, and have difficulty managing time and stress. With numerous and wide-ranging symptoms being assessed nowadays, adult ADHD diagnosis rates are rising. In fact, the rate of diagnosis among adults has grown to four times faster than among children.
A child with ADHD might talk excessively and interrupt others in conversation. She or he could have difficulty being patient, waiting her or his turn, playing quietly, and staying seated. A child may seem excessively forgetful, have more frequent daydreams than peers, and run or climb in unsafe or inappropriate situations. If you see such symptoms, check out children’s ADHD management chester sc
Exhibiting these behaviors and tendencies occasionally is not an issue. A holistic look into the person’s life is needed when making a diagnosis. Essentially, this could mean that the symptoms of ADHD happen all the time, cannot be controlled, and impact that person’s ability to function. The symptoms may also worsen during periods of stress.
Various treatment options and coping tools are available after diagnosis. Stimulant and nonstimulant medications — along with behavioral therapy to help manage intrusive symptoms — are typical courses of action.
For more information on treatment methods, please see the accompanying resource.