Impostor syndrome: What is it and how should you deal with it?

The impostor syndrome is a psychological syndrome that is quite popular these days. It’s hard to spot, but more and more people are reporting “living with it.” What are the characteristics? How to recognize it? In general, this syndrome is characterized by pretending behavior about something that is already known clearly by others.

Is it complicated enough? Indeed yes, and unfortunately, this syndrome is often not realized by the sufferer. One thing is for sure, and the syndrome produces a strange feeling that can be explained as follows: The sufferer ultimately has a false belief that he is unable to do or be something even though he is proven to have been able to do or be that thing.

This syndrome may sound “mild,” but in most cases, the effects are severe and affect many aspects of life. The imposter syndrome produces self-doubt, and as a result, the sufferer can miss important moments in his life. This syndrome can last a lifetime, so recognizing and treating it becomes a priority.

No matter what many despise, this syndrome can easily transform into a cycle of negative consequences.

This cycle is “not as obvious” as when you are trying to identify a personality disorder, for example. But this cycle exists and affects tens to hundreds of millions of people around the world. The number of sufferers is not known with certainty, but no less than 2 or 3 out of 10 people experience what is called imposter syndrome. A study says 7 out of 10 people have experienced the symptoms of this syndrome.

What is the patient profile?

Anyone can experience this syndrome, no matter whether they are male or female, old or young, and so on. However, several studies have succeeded in getting the idea that this syndrome is often experienced by professionals who are used to working hard in their daily lives. This includes academics, doctors, celebrities, lawyers, and other professions with a high standard of education. If you think they are “random people,” then you are wrong because even Einstein once said that his achievements were not worthy of fame.

What about the symptoms?

– Sufferers emphasize luck as the reason for their success.

– They tend to fear being considered wrong or failing.

– For them, working hard is a must. Of course, everyone who wants to be successful has to work hard, but in the case of cheater syndrome, work is done excessively.

– They feel that many of their goals are not worthy of them.

All of these symptoms lead to low self-confidence.

How to handle it?

Whatever the way to deal with it, it must begin with recognizing whether you have the syndrome. After you realize that you have fraudster syndrome then, you can do the following tips:

– You have to separate between facts and feelings

You have to realize that thinking about something doesn’t mean it’s real. If you feel that you are not truly successful, it doesn’t have to be.

– Record your achievements objectively

By recording your achievements or achievements objectively, you can build a perception that you are truly worthy of what you have earned so far. If you are an engineer and during this time you have managed to build several building constructions, it is indeed the result of your hard work, not just luck.

– Stop comparing

Don’t get into the habit of comparing yourself to others. Everyone has their achievements. You are valuable, and so are other people. You have your achievements, and so do others. Not everything should always be compared.

– Consult a professional

Sometimes doing the things above is not as easy as you think. There are times when you have to talk to a professional; if you think you or a loved one has symptoms, contact us at Advantage Mental Health Center in Clearwater, FL, for information on how we can help.