Important tests are coming up. Your wretched roommate. Concerned about accumulating credit card debt. You are separated from your family for the first time in your life. These and a plethora of other issues can stress out university students, making their lives miserable and generating academic difficulties. This happens far more frequently than most people believe.
The infographic below offers an eye-opening look at stress in higher education, complete with a list of symptoms, triggers, and management options. It is a must-read resource for new freshman students, upperclassmen, and parents.
Most schools and universities are well aware of the high frequency of mental health issues among students and strive to provide a variety of prevention and treatment options, such as counselors, classes, and therapy.
Completing minor duties on their own can help students’ mental health. One of the most important aspects of stress reduction is getting adequate sleep, but many college students just do not have the time to do so. Rest, exercise, and good diet help to improve both mental and physical health, which can be a decisive factor in academic success or failure.
Another reason to concentrate on developing effective coping skills is that people commonly employ negative coping mechanisms, which can compound the stress problem. Worsening the situation. Excessive alcohol and drug use, as well as risky romantic relationships, are just a few ways that young adults may jeopardize their lives in trying to cope with stress.
For more details, continue reading below!