Why Should Companies Distribute Eco-Friendly Promotional Gifts More?

It is the responsibility of all of us to take care of the planet. A very small change in our behaviour and attitude is going to impact the environment in many critical ways. Our smallest actions can have a cumulative effect on the planet in the form of global warming or pollution. Hence, when you are in power and leading a business, you can influence your employees and society as a whole to take up eco-friendly ways of living. This move won’t just impact the employees, but will also reach to your clients, creating a bigger positive impact.

There are about 14 billion estimated pounds of waste getting dumped into the oceans every year, and most of it is plastic. Only 9% of them is recycled. This is where businesses can play a major role while consuming goods. A lot of these goods are plastic. The organizations have corporate social responsibilities to fulfil and this is how they can set the right example for other businesses as well. To do this best, the least they can do is adopt a sustainable approach and use eco-friendly products as their promotional gifts.

What are these products?

Eco-friendly means the ways that favour the earth and are not harming it. This is a term used for green products that conserve the earth’s resources in the long run, and are good for planet earth. With these products, you will be helping to prevent air, land and water pollution, and making earth a better place to live in. These products are sustainable and are made either using recycled materials or materials which are biodegradable.

Why should companies use these products?

When companies use eco-friendly products, they do not just promote healthy living but also reduce the carbon footprint, which is harmful for the environment. According to the recent reports sent by the United Nations, we only have a time span of 12 years to limit and reduce the effect of global warming on us. The reports also state that bigger companies have bigger roles to play since they produce larger carbon footprints due to product manufacturing and product usability. By opting for sustainable products, the companies will be able to reduce the carbon footprint and eventually, global warming. So when opting for corporate gifts, it’s recommended to pick the eco-friendly version of the otherwise plastic goods, which will benefit all.

In this regard, Zero Waste Hero is on a mission to limit the wastage created by plastic and replace it with sustainable products.