Types Of Skin Rashes Problems During Monsoon Season


The rains pave the way for breathtaking lush foliage,the smell of wet earth, lovely inky sky, pitter-patter sound of rain drops, winds of respite, chai and pakoda, and a wave of nostalgia. Whilemonsoons are a refreshing change from the scorching summer heat, unfortunately it also brings alongan array of skin problems in the form of rashes, allergies, skin chafing, skin eruptions etc. Humidity and changing temperatures make it an ideal environment for microorganism like bacteria and fungi to grow and thrive, taking a toll on our skin.

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There are two sides to every story and so does the wet weather. Monsoon season brings the best out of nature making it truly delightful but at the same time it also brings a host of skin related woes. Let us take a quick look at some of the common skin problems that people experience during this weather –


The most common skin problem that affects people during this time of the year is Eczema or Dermatitis. The sudden shift from high temperatures to moist weather conditions affects the skin reducing its ability to preserve moisture resulting in eczematic skin. It is a complex inflammatory skin rash that presents clinically with a wide spectrum of symptoms.Eczema usually involves dry, inflamed, red, itchy skin mostly impacting feet, hands or lower leg. Monsoon is known to act as an agitator, increasing the condition further and the associated discomfort to a large extent. People with existing eczema or sensitive skin should be extra cautious during this season.


Ringworm is another common monsoon infection that mainly occurs in feet, neck, armpits, scalp and groin.It causes a round, scaly, crusted patch on the skin and is characterized by itching, and blister-like lesions on the border. If scratched, it can be accompanied by tiny flare-ups on the skin and can lead to oozing.

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Rashes such as Intertrigo is a common inflammatory skin condition caused by skin-to-skin friction that is intensified by heat and moisture especially during rainy weather. It isworsened or overrun by infection with common symptoms that includes itching, burning, pain, and stinging in skin folds.Another type of skin rash is Tinea Cruris, which is caused by a fungus called Dermatophyte. The skin may not be very wet or oozy, but will have red centers with dry and scaly borders.In most cases, some anti-rashgel creams and skin chafing cream are prescribed by doctors, depending upon your condition. Some skin rash prevention topical gel/creams can also be prescribed for future prevention.


It is common to experience itchy and cracked feet besides discolored toenails during the monsoon. Popularly known as Athlete’s Foot, this is a common infection that results from excess moisture retention or sweat due to wet socks and shoes. The athlete’s foot is caused by fungi called candida resulting in infection of the toenails and eventual splitting of the nail.This type of fungal infection is contagious in nature.

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Folliculitis is an infection caused by the inflammation of hair follicles.When a hair follicle gets infected, it tends to expand and look like a large pimple,and may also develop pus. It is usually caused by excessive sweating or long periods of moisture in a certain body part. Other reasons are ingrown hairs, shaving, tight clothing and insect bites among others. Body parts like your arms and thighs are the most susceptible.

Monsoon relatedproblems can be highly infectious for your skin, it is advisable not to delay your diagnosis.