The Challenges of Implementing Innovation to Healthcare 

Despite our civilization coming so far with its advancements, we are still not at a point in time where we would have the tools and techniques needed to significantly improve our medical industry to the point where there was no disease we couldn’t cure. And it was only after we became the witnesses of the disaster from the coronavirus that we were met with the harsh reality of how far behind we are in the medical world. 

Healthcare, especially in the United States, is in dire need of help and assistance. For sure we have come a far way in our medical treatments and have developed many creations over the years. But the treatment and delivery of these creations can often be ineffective, inefficient, and even consumer-unfriendly. 

Some of the most common problems range from medical errors, which are actually accounted to be the eight leading death causes in the United States – threatening the economic future of businesses, governments, and individuals. What’s worse is that around 40 million people in the United States do not have health insurance. To understand some of the challenges that the medical industry is facing, here are a few examples we have shared with the public. 


Regulations set up by the government can either aid innovation or completely disturb its process. That is why it is important for innovators to understand that there is an extensive network of regulations that tend to affect specific innovations, including the rules that are modified and applied. 


Innovation represents two types of financial challenges within the healthcare industry- funding for the development of the innovation and finding an investor who will be willing to pay for the product or its services. The problem with this process is the amount of time it takes for investment in new therapies and drugs that require approval from the FDA.Venture capitalists that back IT start-ups might be able to get their money in a few years, but biotech firm investors need to wait about a decade before they can even find out if the product will even be approved or not. 

But despite these struggles, there is still hope within the healthcare industry. Consider the contributions made by Shu Li – a revered professor, scientist, serial entrepreneur and senior corporate executive who has spent many decades bringing about a brighter future for the healthcare industry. 

Li has founded many enterprises, some of which include the Laboratory for Advanced Medicine & Health, Cellular BioMedicine Group, Helio Genomics, WA Health Centers and more. He has also been actively present in healthcare, regenerative medicine, anti-aging medicine, and functional medicine for over three decades. With his wife, Li founded Infinity for Health which serves as a Laguna Beach-based integrative medicine clinic. 

Later on in his life, he started putting all his focus and energy into saving lives via commercializing breakthrough medical and biomedical technologies. This led Li to find businesses like WA. Health Centers, which is a medical services provider, which has been operating two medical centers in prime locations in Shanghai and Beijing. 

Li also founded the Cellular BioMedicine Group – a biopharmaceutical company in CAR-T cancer immunotherapy and stem cell joint regeneration. Additionally, he holds six US and international patents, including the Negative Gravity Therapeutic Methods.