Pain Management During Labor – Quick Guide For Women!

Managing pain can be simple or complex, depending upon the cause of pain. The pain generated from the nerve root caused by herniated disc spreading down the legs is typically less complicated.

Pain does not go away and requires a wide variety of skills and techniques to cure the pain, which includes

  1. Medication 
  2. Physiotherapy or chiropractic therapy 
  3. Acupuncture 

While having pain during labor, the muscles of the uterus contract strongly by increased levels of oxytocin and promote the progress of labor; for further guidance, you may consult Dr. Torres OBGYN


Drug-free management 

During the birthing process, the woman is recommended to stay active as long as the doctor recommends. The woman will become stronger and tolerate more pain which can be important if her labor lasts longer.

Additionally, the woman might also advise looking into Lamaze (one of the types of child birthing classes) in which the woman is encouraged to become more confident about giving birth.

Lamaze includes breathing exercises that help the women to reduce the perception of pain and teaches the woman to use distraction while being in labor pain. When labor arrives, some women like to listen to music and relax by taking heavy breathing or shifting positions.


Two types of medicine are present, which help to ease the pain during labor: 

  • Analgesics – This medication reduces the pain, but the patient still feels the sensation of touch* 
  • Anesthesia – This medication blocks pain and other feelings, and the woman feels no pain.

Epidural block 

The most common method of pain relief is used during childbirth. The doctor will inject the medication, which starts working in 10 to 20 minutes; this method is used during vaginal birth or C-section.


These medications are not used frequently, but they can sometimes help in relieving anxiety.

The doctor will inject the medication to make the woman drowsy and cause her to forget the parts of the labor.

These medications also affect the baby by making them sleepy and sluggish after they are born.

Pudendal block

This medication blocks pain at the perineum (area between anus and vagina). This medication rarely has a negative effect, but for some women, this medication causes allergic reactions or infections.


The doctor will inject the medicine through IV to lessen labor pain. They make the woman feel sleepy but don’t eliminate the pain. It may affect the breathing of the child and the mother.

This method is advised to those women who don’t want an epidural and don’t want to take medication during labor pain.