We are a knowledge-based civilization. Along with natural resources, money, and labor, knowledge is a resource that is becoming more and more significant. It helps countries be competitive globally and supports the operation of democracies and innovation, but science contributes significantly to knowledge creation and is up against fresh obstacles.
Science’s place in a society that is becoming more fractured and digital, as well as its importance to politics and civil society, will be redefined. Science will never be able to provide a universal truth or an impartial picture of the universe. Even if science plays a significant social role, it carries many responsibilities. How can science communicate current controversies and uncertainties in a way that does not give off an air of arbitrariness?
Understanding the past is necessary for any vision of the future. Historically, access to medical care has been limited to a select few, much like other “luxuries” of life. Before the 20th century, however, most cures and treatments did not work, with a few exceptions. One of these is digitalis, an extract from the purple foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) that was initially employed as a poison in the Middle Ages before being discovered in 1775 to treat heart failure.
The use of prescription medications became ingrained in modern society, with nearly half of US individuals doing so. The quality of life of people with many diseases improved as the pharmaceutical industry created more potent medications. For example, corticosteroids controlled inflammatory diseases, antihistamines controlled allergies, xanthines helped asthma patients, and options were made available to people with mental illness.
However, the most assiduously treated circumstances at the population level are pain, high cholesterol, depression, and diabetes, possibly compensating for lifestyle changes brought on by dietary changes and a more sedentary lifestyle, partly because of the business models that support “blockbuster” drugs. Moving on today, we have reached a place where we have developed Molecular resonance effect technology advancement (MRET).
Invented by Dr. Igor Smirnov, MRET is a cheap and effective tool for enhancing the human lifestyle. The technique is used to activate water-based solutions and shield human subjects from the damaging effects of microwave radiation. It has improved hydration capabilities and is simple to absorb by the body’s tissues because it is compatible with cell water. Cell water and MRET water both have distinctive long-range dynamic structures.
It is pretty likely that in the future, technology, consumer education, and self-awareness about lifestyle and diseases will have a significant impact on how medicines are used. In the end, technology will be an effective force for change, improving the medical knowledge of healthcare providers and enabling updates and change concurrent with consumers.